Monday, April 26, 2010

The Waiting Game

I think the Barenaked Ladies said it best ... "It's been one week...."

So here we are, it's been one week since I had the interview, the thank you cards went out, and now we play the waiting game, and in case you don't know me, I HATE WAITING.

I have talked to a couple friends about this, they say a week is nothing, and I should not worry that I have not heard anything yet, the HR rep did say it would be this week when I heard something so I am not freaking out quite yet, but your life is basically on standby until you hear something. You don't want to plan a trip or make commitments to do something if in fact you are working (or not working) and maybe you won't get the time off now, you get the picture, it's a whole new set of worries, but again you're in a holding pattern until you hear something ... SUCKS!

I have to admit the emotions run hot and cold right now, on everything, I'm really sick of the part time job, not that I don't like the actual job itself but there's a lot of BS and I am wondering if it's worth it. Quitting that would let me focus entirely on a new gig and fixing up my house, this year I want to get the deck redone, maybe try a window on my own, new flooring in the kitchen, and maybe even re-stucco the outside. Of course these projects cost money ... anyone need a kidney? :0)

Funny .... I'm listening to Twisted Sister. We'll leave it at that .......

I'd really love to start a punk band, you know play old covers like Sex Pistols, Runaways, Ramones, the classics! Anyone in?????

OK it's Trivia time since I am thinking about it! Twisted Sister actually had a cameo in a very popular comedy, can you name it? Bonus points if you remember the name of the song, I am thinking one person in the whole world besides me knows this....Bidwell are you listening????
OK two people, Chad might know this too....

All right, back to being serious, the motorcycle is almost sold, that will tie me over financially for another month, hey do you think I'm too old to ask my parents for money? Yeah that's a funny one. I seem to be pretty scatterbrained today, maybe a little time in the yard will clear that up.

I prayed last night, I haven't prayed since I was a kid. I have no business asking the big guy for help, I've been the worst catholic out there, well maybe not as bad as some of those priests, the almighty has bigger fish to fry then hearing my prayers, but if I get this job, I'm gonna start going to church again, yes you heard it here first!!

Have a swell day everyone, keep the faith.

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