Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday April 15th


No, not taxes my friends, interview day!! Although if you still haven't paid your taxes you better do it fast.

So bad news, ok it's not bad news just news, the interview has been postponed until Monday, which is cool I get it things happen and it's still going to happen. This will give me a couple more days to take some notes and investigate the company more thoroughly.

So much for barely sleeping last night going over a scenario of questions they would ask and how I would answer them, don't be too vanilla but don't come on too strong, read the interviewer, do they want a yes man, do they want a visionary, how to play it....yes I thought of these things last night, but not for too long.

Someone just told me they felt I was the most loyal and devoted person they knew, that when I put my mind to something I am 'all in' and I think she is right, sometimes that mentality can get you in trouble and sometimes it pays off, the whole 'pick your battles' philosophy. I've never been one to be too vanilla though.

So I have some time off today that I thought I'd be busy, checked the sites and applied for some position as a project manager (there's a LOT of those positions out there) and we should talk about the latest buzz words like "change management" - to me this is a fancy way of saying cleaning house and letting people go in a nice way...if there is such a thing. Nevertheless it's a buzz word along with Viral Marketing and Social Media and Change (thanks Obama), so if you haven't heard these words yet get on it!

How bad can jellybeans really be for you? Discuss......

OK folks time to throw on the old Twins game and polish the motorcycle (no that's not code, it's a real bike) I'm looking to sell it and my sports car that hasn't moved in 3 years ..... wait until I tell my roommate I need a hand with moving that pig.

OK that's it for now, probably won't add anything tomorrow as Friday's are usually light in the world of employment, plus it's supposed to be nice so maybe I'll go golfing (as cheaply as possible of course) there are great courses just an hour or so outside the metro area that are really cheap to play, like 24 bucks with cart, that's half off what it is in the metro....

Talk soon!!


  1. I love this. I will definately check back often...unless, of course, you get that job on Monday! Good Luck!!

  2. Hey Aldo! It's been a long time. Just thought I would commiserate with you. I was laid off last September. It was one of the most traumatic things that has ever happened to me. I cried from the moment they told me, as I packed up my office and told everyone what happened to driving to buy a pack of smokes (I had quit about a year before and only smoked that one pack), driving home and sitting on my deck smoking cigarettes the rest of the day and night. It was bad. I loved my job but despised my dysfunctional, psycho boss so as the day, yes it only took a day, went on my panic was replaced by relief. But I still wake up with nightmares and have to remind myself I don't work for her anymore.

    My biggest worry was of course, how would we pay all of our bills. Well, needless to say, there were no xmas gifts and I shop clearance big time. Just got 5 shirts for $30 including shipping from!!! It's even hard to justify new clothes but I have this skinny bod now so it has to be done.

    We've pretty much adapted to this new lifestyle. We eat out maybe once a week, if we're lucky and I'm talking Subway or a pizza. But I eat completely different than I used to so I scour the Weight Watchers boards for new recipes so that's okay. I can't tell you the last time I was in a bar. That's also okay. No desire. One treat recently, I put tix for a May Twins game on the credit card. Day games are cheaper! First non-necessity on a card, proud to say. I've decided that once I do get back to work, if we continue living like this for an addition 6-12 mos. we'll be able to pay off the credit card debt accrued before losing my job.

    So how have I been filling my time? I'm a student again! Have you checked out the dislocated workers program at your local Workforce Center? They were out of money for a while but I think Obama bailed us out. I know for sure funds replenish at the beginning of the fiscal year July 1. I'm getting a nonprofit management certificate. So I'll be only 9 credits away from a Masters in Public Affairs at the end of this year when I get my certificate. There are loads of certificate type programs through CCE here at the U. That's how the funding works because it isn't a degree program. I'm getting $9000 total for tuition. Very helpful. And I get a $60 gas card every month. Difficult to ask for but extremely helpful.

    So I just thought I'd pass along those tidbits. I didn't see you mention the dislocated workers program so I wanted to make sure you are aware.


    Cathy Patterson

  3. Cathy
    This is exactly why I started this blog so thank you! Finding out what's out there and available for everyone! GOOD STUFF!!
    I have not even gone to a workforce center, I should look that up! Tell me how you are getting a gas card that would always help! I was just happy to get health insurance. Glad to hear you have lost weight too...even if wasn't for exactly the right reasons a silver lining has come out of it! You should come watch your old Foundry team play softball, that's always free! :0)
    Thanks again for your contribution!!!

