Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Unemployed in the USA

Welcome to Unemployed in the USA

This is a blog about a man trying to get a job, it's as simple as that, I will add what I am trying to do to get a job, what I have done, and all that jazz.

Hopefully you will follow along, share you stories, add any advice and we'll take it from there.

Background on me.

About a year ago my 'position was eliminated' at a large Fortune 100 company (this company shall remain nameless, but it could be any large company that needs to hit some unreachable target to hit a certain stock price otherwise workers get cut to save get it).

Fortunately I got a severance, of course that is long gone, now I am collecting unemployment, working part time for about 11 bucks an hour, trying to find my next career move.

What I have done so far.

I was fortunate to have 6 months of outplacement services at my discretion. Frankly I probably didn't use them to my fullest advantage but they did tweak my resume and I took some classes on social networking because apparently in this day and age, it's not what you know as much as who you know. So I've done the 'linkedin' and 'plaxo' thing, I am on the job sites, I network as much as the next guy, heck I am even on twitter (account to be shared soon) and here we go!

Personally I am a single man, which I thank God for right now because if I had to support a family right now I doubt I could. I do have a girlfriend and she has been about as supportive as a girlfriend can be and I thank her for that....I should probably tell her that in person. Health Care - I have none, like the other 60 million or whatever it is right now, but I live in a good county that provides health care and we will talk about that as well.

I've starting selling crap out of my basement, and for the moment I am staying afloat, I still have stock in that company we will not name and it seems to be holding firm, but when I sell it will go to pay off the credit card debt I have it's a wash.

I own a house and right now the rent is covered with my part time job, unemployment and my roommate who was living with a girl but they broke up and he is a recovering alcoholic...but that's a whole other story!!



  1. Great idea for a blog. Hey, at least you get unemployment. Some of us don't even get that... My stock in that same certain company has been sold - a long long time ago.

  2. I too am in the unemployment biz. I never thought that education would go down the toilet like it has, but here we are! I was let go from my job as a music store manager to make way for someone who would work for less, and then I got unemployment.

    I was let go from a school district where I worked for 12 years because I didn't work enough days for them in a designated time. None of this of course was priviledged information for me, so now there are fresh college grads out there taking the jobs I should have had and who suffers? The kids, and me too, but mostly the kids.

    I just met face to face in an unemployment hearing last week with the woman from the county who made those terrible judgemnet calls of who and how to let people go, what a bitch she seemed to be. only dollar signs, no logic, or at least very minimal black and white messed up political budgetary logic. What a crock!

    I haven't seen an unemployment check since November, and they called three hours before my hearing last month to postpone it. Well needless to say I am doing what the president says we are suppossed to do and that is start my own business. But unemployment can't know that now can they? It'd be better if I sat on the couch in their eyes.

    I have been bootstrapping my own business ventures until recently when I brought on some invenstors. I cashed out what was left in my insurance policy from when I was a teacher, paid huge fines of 6 grand to do it, and saved my home for the past 12 years in the process. It had to be done, my roomates moved out, rent tripled, I lost 70% of my drum students around the holidays. But I can't tell EDD that I was teaching drums even though I had that job when I lost the part time jobs. It's a crock of crap.

    But I digress. . . . . . Sir El of Roy!
