There was a time I was too proud to even do this, I felt like I was in a good place and didn't need this money, not realizing that I pay into it and my former employer pays into it too, so now I don't feel so guilty :0)
I am happy to say that I know have health insurance, yeah!!! My lovely county has assistance and since I have had no health insurance in the past year and pretty much no job I qualify!! Hey at least now I am covered if I get in a accident or something.....I do fell better about this. NOW OFF TO GO GET SOME ALLERGY MEDICINE!!!
PS _ If you are out there in the same boat, I advise you to check with your state or county - you know if you can't wait for the Obama thing to kick in. My coverage is very inexpensive, 15 dollar co-pays, 5 dollar prescriptions...that works for me! I didn't even know this care existed until my roommate told me about it, thanks neat o roomie.
SEE YOU NEXT TIME! Next topic, selling more worldly possessions!!!
Glad you have the health coverage, that is one less thing to worry about. Also, you are 100% correct... you have paid into unemployment your entire working career, USE IT! I'm glad to know that it's helping someone I care about. Fingers crossed for you!