Tuesday, April 20, 2010



Greetings everyone! Yesterday was the big interview and it went very well, of course, I think it went very well! Has anyone had an interview that they think did not go very well?? You always think it goes well yet when they don't call you start to wonder... My interview was with 3 different people individually (thank God not all at once), one was the HR person, the second would be who I report to and the third was a VP that I would be working with. I answered all the questions fairly well and I think at least with the VP and the Manager I established a connection in one way or another. The VP was an old home theater guy I found out so we started talking about that and got totally off the subject but hey that's a good thing right? Either way, I walked out feeling pretty good about things.

Several folks have asked me if I asked them how many people are in the running, and frankly I never felt comfortable asking that question, not sure why, I should ask my HR folks if they feel that question is appropriate. In my own investigating I am going to say that they probably have 3, maybe 4 candidates tops, I deduced that by who signed in yesterday (you have to sign in at this company), and with who I was supposed to meet with and since we had to reschedule 4 times there was talk about rearranging other meetings and what not, also I heard the VP tell the HR person "who's next" or "what's next" after me so maybe they had someone else coming in, even though I saw no one else waiting around.


So today I think I will reward myself with a little something, after I apply for some more jobs I noticed on line last night and this morning, as long as I spend an hour or two a day looking at things I feel I have done my duty, plus it's a great day here today and I have not taken advantage of that.

It's been over a year now since I had a real job but frankly last summer I didn't really do a lot of hard job searching, there wasn't much going on in the job front then anyway, it certainly seems there is more happening now which is good. But anyway I am getting to the point where I need to make something happen, I may even quit the part time job to really focus on finding a new job (if the part time job wasn't so 'all over the place' it might be different but the scheduling is so crazy and there is no rhyme or reason to when I might work which makes it's hard to ever make plans). OK that was a long parenthesis.

Have a great day everyone and hang in there!

1 comment:

  1. Trust me, I thought I totally nailed an interview for an MPM at your former(my current) employer. Answered everything [at least what I thought] perfectly and it took a long time for them to get back to me and give the "you suck" call. I tanked and analyst interview one day too, I was sicker than a dog for that one and couldn't think.

    Good luck Elroy!
