Saturday, May 1, 2010


Well folks happy Saturday!!

I realized it's been a couple of days since I have posted something and you are all probably on the edge of your seat wondering what's going on ..... well NOTHING is going on!! Nothing at all. It's been a whole week now of not hearing a thing on the job interview, someone told me that yes I should call them, I am really not comfortable with that but maybe I will, I mean just check in right? Let's see what everyone thinks of that one .... discuss.

I just worked my part time for the last 4 days straight (doesn't feel like part time work). I'm a little wiped out. I went to see funny man and late night host Craig Ferguson last night and laughed my arse off! We all need a good laugh now and then. It's been a week of frustration, anticipation, and more frustration. The part time job is probably the most frustrating job I have ever had, but I am trying to be open and maybe it's me, I mean I am going from making 90 grand a year to about 13 grand a year .... I could go mow lawns and make the same money and probably be less stressed, oh well we'll see.....

PAY IT FORWARD - told a co worker about MN CARE, hopefully he can get it, he just broke his hand and he has no health insurance, did anyone else see that in LA they are holding free clinics in the LA Coliseum for a whole week?? And people think we don't need a better health care system in the US ... ok I'm off the soapbox.

OK it's time for a new segment in my BLOG called..


MACGRUBER...are you kidding me? They made a movie out of this ..... good LORD!!! I'll be seeing it.

KICK - ASS ..... go see it, it's name is quite dead on, it rocked.

Vampire Weekend .... not very vampiry are they???

I just wanna be in a beach somewhere doing nothing....suggestions?

Softball season starts next week THANK GOD!!!!

Betty White is going to be on SNL....that should be funny.

Well that's enough for today, I will probably check back in on Monday and let everyone know if I ended up calling my potential new employer.

"Super Star with Cheese"

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