Friday, May 21, 2010

MAY 21ST 2010


Well it's been a whirlwind week so let's get right into it .....

This week was the end of my part time job I have had for the last 8 months, so now the blog really is "unemployed" in the USA and not "under" employed. I went out with a whisper much like I went in, no handshake, no begging by management to stay, nothing, just punched out and hugged one friend and left....I know you are all thinking "what you quit?" - well we can refer back to my post a few weeks back logging the reasons, now I can concentrate FULLY on getting that next career move, and so we go!!

REFINANCE - it looks like I am going to get my mortgage refinanced, for less money a month, almost 2 percentage points less and 2 years less to pay on the mortgage, so that helps! Luckily the credit process is them looking at my W2 form last year's taxes (nice!) and I've never missed a payment and my credit score is in the 700's which I guess is good, so yeah for me!

THE BAD.....
The company that I had an interview with finally called.....
Folks the interview process these days can sure by a long drawn out suck fest, I had an hour interview over the phone with these folks at the end of March, in the middle of April I had a 2 1/2 hour interview with 3 people (which I thought went very well) and finally this past Monday they called me to say they were moving forward with another candidate. Now on one had I guess I am happy that they did finally call me even if it was 4 or 5 weeks after the interview, but on other hand, how mucked up are they to take that long?? Not sure, and now it doesn't really matter, it's their loss.

Just when you think things can't get any worse, guess what, they probably can. The last thing that needed to happen to me was to rear end someone and have to shell out $800 bucks for damage to their bumper and a rental car while they got the car fixed, alas that's what happened to me last week, that's right after I quit the part time gig ...nice. As fate would have it last week I cashed out all my stock in that big old company I used to work for, so at least I had the cash. But it's pretty untimely, stupid rain makes people slam on their least the woman I hit was pretty cool about it and I think this should be it. Some of you might ask why I didn't put in an insurance claim, according to several people I talked to including lawyers and insurance folks, it was probably better for me to just cash it out and be done with it, this way 4 years from now when she can't move her neck they can't go after me for millions ... or something like that, either way it's all done, hopefully.

I could go into more, about how I lie awake every night and wonder what the hell I could have done differently in my life, how did I get here, and all that crap, but I don't want to bring the whole world down with my depressing thoughts, but they are there ..... trust me.

That's all for now, next week we talk INDY 500!!!

Sir El of Roy

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