Friday, May 7, 2010



Hello folks, sorry it's been a week, this was kind of an odd week for working the part time gig and running around doing errands and other stuff, this was also the first week of softball and that felt great! It's good to get out and toss the old ball around.

First - to answer the question on everyone's mind, no I have not heard from the folks I had my job interview with, good or bad, oh boy I love waiting. I did in fact give them a call and leave a message to ask what was up, I asked a lot of folks if it's appropriate to call or not to call, some of you said absolutely and some said no, but I gave it an ample amount of time and checked there.

The thing that sucks about waiting is that the rest of your life is currently on hold, I can't make any travel plans, or anything else some what permanent. I am still applying for other positions, which is what I should be doing, but if it's NO just let me know that.

Also, I am going to retire from the part time gig, I know some of you are probably saying "Geez man are you mad??? after all you have been talking about???" - I can explain.

Retail is not an easy play, that's for sure, you know you are going to work weekends, and there is no rhyme or reason to your schedule, I have not had a weekend off since New Years, when the rest of your family and friends have weekends off and you miss events and what not, that starts to get to you. I can't even go have a fun weekend with my lady, or the guys, it's draining. Also where I work is very political, frankly too political for me, which is sad, it shouldn't be but it is, basically I have no where to go there because my 'numbers' aren't good, you see they want you to sell all these attachments and add ons, I get that, this is how they make money, but if you don't sell it you're frowned upon, so there, retail should be about what's right for the customer. Finally as some of you know, finding a job is a full time job, I have to start giving this my full attention, plus I have some work to do on my house, at some point I am going to sell it, and my car, and my motorcycle ..... frankly if I sell my car and bike, I'd make as much on that as a whole summer working the part time retail gig (funny huh?) so there you have it.

I can always find something else part time too, something a little more set schedule wise.

So now we are all up to date, now it's time for


Everyone buy their "I survived the 2:45pm market crash" T shirt? what's up with that??

Iron Man 2 - I feel I've seen the movie already with all the trailers, so I probably don't need to see it now.

Where I live, we don't get ANY oil from the gulf of mexico, so why is gas up to 3 bucks a gallon?

Greece, why does what's happening in Greece affect my stocks??? I don't really need a answer to that......

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