Sunday, June 27, 2010



OK, it's actually Sunday but there you go.

The last entry was probably the most honest, miserable and controversial entry I have had, several of you reached out with well wishes and what can they do to help, and I really appreciate that.

Let's start this entry on a good note, I have a SECOND INTERVIEW this week!! This is the first second interview that I have gotten so YEAH!! I'll be spending the rest of the week prepping for that interview so this may be the last entry until after the interview.


This weekend I ripped up by deck, it didn't take too long about 4 hours, thanks for CB my buddy who apparently had more passion to do this than I did, but it needed it. The wood was pretty rotten to the point of a lot of it just came right out and luckily underneath the deck was not much, no bees, no nest of possums or woodchucks .... it was OK. So now do I replace the deck or put in a paver patio ... discuss.

Oh yeah, I promised to concentrate this blog on the job search ... sorry for the deviation. So besides the second interview I have also been talking to another company who would like to discuss a position in let's say retail sales, salary plus commission which equates to about 20 bucks an hour - OK it's no law firm gig, but it's full time with benefits, 401K and profit sharing and hey that works, just an opportunity to work my way up, yeah I can do that. We have had 2 phone conversations, and I had to fill out a resume (even though I have one) on line that almost took an hour and I have a THIRD phone interview this week (crap when was it again?) so that's another thing happening.

OK so now the bad or depressing ....

As I may or may not have mentioned, I am not collecting unemployment right now, not one cent even though I am entitled, I have an appeal in that will be discussed on July 12th, wow that's like 2 more weeks before it's even looked at and who know after that how long I get my money (if I get it) which I should according to their information. Since my benefits were based on my full time job and should NOT be affected by my part time job, so there.

Well so goes it - my so called life, at this point in time I am basically just living, not doing too much just hanging out, that's all I can afford (all though I bought some new softball pants on ebay today for 11 bucks, if you saw my leg you would say it's well worth it, or I have to stop sliding...). Friends ask me out for beers or whatever and I have to say no, just can't have senseless spending right now, I have a few hundred bucks to my name and a mortgage is coming up and my birthday ..... oh joy.

remind me I have to change my oil ... thanks!


  1. Thx for sharing your story. What kind of job are you looking for? I'll keep my eyes open.

  2. Best of luck on the interviews!! Good things will soon come. I too have been keeping my eyes open for ya.
