Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Happy 4th of July everyone!!!

Well I hope everyone had a fun weekend, my weekend was very low key, did some yard work, did some biking, did some grilling and spent the 4th at a friend's cabin, good relaxing times.

Last week I had a 2nd interview at a company, I met with 2 people for about an hour and a half, I thought the interview went very well, of course, I think all of my interviews go very well so I am probably not a good gauge on myself (ha!). I also had a phone interview on the same day as well which also went well, I am hoping to hear back on both of these this week, I get that it's the 4th and people probably take time off so if I don't hear much in the next couple of days I get it.

I am really REALLY hoping this job is going to pan out, I am tired of looking and looking and filling out applications and taking phone interviews and reformatting my resume into a hundred different layouts on a hundred different websites, I have tried not to settle but at this point I may have no choice, I'm just looking for something full time with benefits, I am ready to actually get back and work somewhere. It's been over a year this is the longest I have ever gone without work in my adult life, and I appreciate everyone has their own suggestions on what to do, frankly I am also tired of watching the worlds worst movies in the afternoon!!

OK so that's enough for today, if you are out there and looking, keep positive, that's all you can do!

And I still need to get my oil changed.....

1 comment:

  1. Keep positive, sounds like you have some good things in the works.. also, DECK not pavers. Are you going to be in your mid-40's on the 7th?? :P
