Monday, July 26, 2010


I really shouldn't post a new blog after I have had a couple of beers but oh well ....

I know people hate it when I write things like I am sick of life and I want to just be done with it, but I'm sorry that's how I feel. Hey I had a good run, it's not that big of a deal is it? DONT WORRY I am not going to kill myself, I can't, I'm not that stupid. But if I died, I guess it wouldn't be that big of a deal to me.


I wrote this paragraph about an hour ago, and stared at it until now. I thought about removing it because I am sure I am going to get a bunch of people reaching out to me and freaking out and so on ... but that's what I feel like at times, and I am sure I am not the only one. So there you go.

Frustration turns into anger, I am STILL WAITING to hear back on 2 positions, I am sorry I know I have friends that work in HR but some of these people have no idea the lives they affect. I am not talking about applying for a job online and not hearing back, I am talking about going in and interviewing for a position and even having second interviews and now waiting 2 weeks or more for a response. It doesn't take THAT MUCH to email me an update, or call me to tell me I'm no longer a candidate or tell me that there has not been a decision yet, I mean come on!

I am also wondering if social networking and LINKED IN are real legitimate places to get a job, NOTHING has come of me working those networking sites, don't get me wrong I get calls now and then, but it seems folks are more probing about the companies I used to work at and their policies and procedures versus actually offering me a position, but that's another topic for another day. CASE IN POINT - I got a call from Verizon (yes I am naming names) interested in me running a store for them, all they asked me about was my time at Apple, how I sold the Iphone, how the procedure went, and so on ..... I didn't really think something was up until the second 1/2 hour phone interview and all they were asking about was Apple this and that ..... I finally got a little short, I mean I could actually hear the woman typing every word I said and 3 MINUTES after we ended the call I got an email saying thanks but no thanks ... 3 MINUTES!! I will never have a cell phone with or work for Verizon, unless some company I work for pays for it I guess .... and then I will still be reluctant.

So what's left if networking doesn't work .... friends? Ha, the last thing they want to hear is how miserable you are, frankly they are too. I don't know ONE PERSON who right now is happy with their job, not one. OK maybe one but she just started it, I'll give her a few months. I have several friends that work at a company and they had an opening and I couldn't even get a interview from that, and I was very qualified for this position, and nothing. Once again frustration turns to anger.

So I lay awake at night thinking about all this crap, and let's throw in a little "what could have I done differently" in my old position to keep it, kiss more ass? Who knows, probably nothing it is what it is.

Maybe now that first paragraph at least has a little more context, I'm that miserable, I hate my life, for the first time in my life I have no idea what my next move is, I'm sick of this, I barely have enough money to keep my house, at some point drastic measures will need to be taken.

OK off to bed, at least sleeping is still free.

1 comment:

  1. A-frickin Men man! You go boy! True enough, this is not an easy time and there is so much uncertainty, just remember this. . . . you have always found a way to make it, and you always will. I know it doesn't seem like it, but you will. Just use that to comfort yourself just a little, for what its worth anyway until the next lame suck-ass job op comes by. Wish I could offer you one buddy.
