Wednesday, June 16, 2010

WED JUNE 16TH 2010

Interview Day!

That's right kids, today I had an interview, and I think it went well, but I think they all go well so I am not sure how much merit I would put into that, but I do think it went well.

Met with the HR rep and the Director of the department, who seems like a genuinely nice guy, we actually have similar paths with our background and where we are at now. He was in a real small agency for several years, we have the same thoughts on things so it's all good. So I should hear something next week according to HR, so we shall see and remain positive!!

The HR rep asked a kind of funny question, she asked me what's it like out there? Really? I wanted to ask her if she has been living under a rock, but I talked about things getting better at least from job openings, it does seem like things are a little better than last summer/fall, but I wouldn't exactly call it a robust market, as most of you know, ok it really sucks :0)

So I am still hitting the job sites and applying for other things that I see that are in my area of expertise, and again wasting hours typing in user names and passwords and references and work experience even though it's on my resume but everyone wants it in there own way and now I found one today that would accept my browser, which is MAC .... WHAT THE??!!!

For obvious reasons I am really hoping this job comes through, because frankly it's getting pretty grim, I am currently not collecting any unemployment so I have no money coming in, apparently when you 'quit' a job, even if it's part time, your situation goes into a review state, so at this point I am in real dire straits.

Thank God I sold the motorcycle, I am pretty much living on that right now which is probably sad, so I am keeping any sort of non critical spending in check at the moment, it's ugly. I need to find something soon, anything, I am going to have to settle sadly ....

This weekend I am heading to Nashville, NO it's not a vacation, I am going to help a friend work in his booth at the NAMM show, which is awesome! Hopefully I get to hob nob with some musicians, we can certainly do some networking here as well, so hopefully this should be fun.

So back next week, I will report after the trade show!!


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