Tuesday, June 22, 2010



Well they probably can. I was really debating whether to write in the blog today because it has not been the best of days, and frankly this is starting to get really depressing, and writing about it doesn't help, but here goes.

Well to catch you up, as most of you know I quit the part time job to pursue a full time job with benefits, and yes I had an interview last week (I have not heard anything but they did say it would be this week). But what that did was raise a flag to the unemployment folks who have had my case "under review" now for the past few weeks, meaning no unemployment money and I am not working so no money is currently coming in.

And it gets better, they are actually now saying I was OVERPAID, you have got to be kidding! So now they say I owe them money, that's pretty funny. The sad thing is that I think that this will get cleared up, but it won't get cleared up for about 3-4 weeks (I submitted my appeal today) . So there you have it, funny. I tried to call someone to see if we can get this cleared up sooner, um yeah no dice.

We'll keep the bad news to just that, there has been more but frankly it doesn't have relevance to finding a job which is what this blog is all about, so I will try to keep it focused as such.

In other news ....

This weekend I was in Nashville helping a friend with his booth at the NAMM show, that's a musicians merchandise show, it was really fun and I am happy for my friend, who's starting to see one of his products come to fruition. Nashville is a fun town, lots of love music and friendly people, the first night a complete stranger gave me a ride to a rib joint which was great .... not sure I'd even hop in a car with a stranger here where I live, yeah maybe I would. I didn't make any money but he paid or everything (ok I paid for beers at one joint, but I felt bad for him to pay for EVERYTHING!) and I did some good networking, and it made me think about some money making ideas...

I think we will stop it here, I am truly depressed and sick of my life right now, I'm really tired of having to watch my pennies and worry about money, it's not like I don't want to work, I'm just looking for something full time and with benefits, I didn't think that would be so hard to find, man was I wrong. I'm going to have to start selling stuff, I figure I'll be flat broke in 4 months, then I guess I cash out the 401k which won't be that much after the penalties, and after that I guess I'll sell my house, outside I have probably a year tops. Now maybe you can see why I didn't want to write this, I think I am getting more depressed reading this.....

Statistics - As of right now I figure I have applied for 80-100 jobs, I would guess about 20 of those were legitimate roles in my wheelhouse, the others a slight stretch, with those 100 jobs I have had 3 interviews......

I guess I better get back to looking at the job sites ...

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