Tuesday, June 8, 2010

JUNE 8th 2010


Or, as mine was earlier, growls. No I am not to the point of starving myself (luckily) - hey that would be a good attention getter, I am going to starve myself until I get a job..HAA! For most of you who know me even if I wanted to do that, I wouldn't last half a day!! Actually I am hungry as I write this .... OK I'm back.

I had to fast because today I went to the doctor for the old annual exam, and they take blood to check a few things like cholesterol and the like ... and you need to fast for 12 hours so I had not eaten since last night. Luckily today is Taco Tuesday!!! ARRIBA!!

OK on to more pressing news, it's been a interesting week, as I am no longer working the part time gig I have been on a little BLITZKRIEG with applying for jobs, I have applied for so many jobs in the past few days my arms and wrists and fingers hurt from typing.

All the different job sites want your resume in this form or that form, you have to create user names and passwords, you have to re-enter information about 7 times, your past employment, your education, holy crap man it's been 13 years since I got my degree!! Frankly the college isn't even there anymore ... funny. List 3 references, I really should let those folks know they might get calls.

Sorry, back to the physical, I know I am jumping all over today, so the doctor asked me how I was and would you believe in about 5 minutes we were on to my unemployment and how it's causing me depression, well duh! I mean yeah I am depressed of course I am I have no job, no career, I am not sure what my next move is in life, he asked if I was drinking more (haa!) sadly no I am not, seeing I can't afford to 'carouse' like I used to, maybe I am depressed because I CANT afford to drink more! haa ... sad but maybe true....anyway....

Well he didn't prescribe me anything which is where I thought we were going with that and that's probably just fine with me, that's all I need to do is to get hooked on happy pills. Frankly I am depressed, come on who isn't, I don't know ONE PERSON happy with their life right now, I don't know one person who isn't worried about their job ... OK maybe my buddy who is the funeral director, I mean death is a constant. Anyway I think handling the depression is how one builds character and man I got a garage full of character right now.

Did I mention I sold the motorcycle? that's my fun money for the summer, when that runs dry I'll turn back into a hermit, speaking of the motorcycle the guy who sold it to me for a heck of a price is turning 40 this weekend (you know who you are!) and I will be visiting him for this momentous occasion - I was supposed to be his best man at his wedding, and I got stopped by customs at the airport (the wedding was in the Czeka Republica) - when people say if you could do something differently in life what would it be, that would be the one thing, who knew if you have 3 months left on a passport it's utterly worthless ....what's the point of expiration dates? OK that's a whole other story .....


So I'd like to thank the 15 or so of you who are actually "followers" of this blog, that's about 14 more than I thought I would get - and the rest of you who have come up to me and said "hey man I read your blog that's good stuff" - to all of you a big THANK YOU! Whether you wish to remain anonymous or not, it's cool that people are reading.

Again, I thank the folks that are all close to me, pulling for me, thinking of me, praying for me, I appreciate it, I do, there is about 56 people I owe calls to, I should get on that, I just realized I've been wanting to call an old colleague of mine for 6 MONTHS! Man where does the time go...I'm going to call you I promise!!

Thanks to the county I live in who actually gives shleps like me some health care in my time of need so I don't have to pay an arm and a leg to go see the doctor and get some prescriptions filled .... I am going to the eye doctor tomorrow, I have not gone in 5 plus years! I know health care is a really touchy subject right now, and there's a lot of folks out there who abuse the system, but I don't think a check up once a year is asking for much.

Ok time to make some phone calls, go Twins, go Blackhawks, go Celtics! :0)

OH CRAP I ALMOST FORGOT!! We have an upcoming interview, it's in a couple of weeks, it was an odd phone screening, they said they would email me the information, but I haven't seen an email yet so I am not sure what to report on ..... more next time!!

Keep it real.


  1. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this but glad that there are programs in place that you can benefit from (i.e. medical stuff). Everything is crossed that a job opportunity happens for you! You are bright, funny and creative - you'd be a great addition to any company. Say hi to Tim for me :D

  2. I'm glad to see your keeping up the fight you still in my prayers I'm sure something will happen soon for you! :) Love ya cousin Ianthe
