Thursday, June 23, 2011



Anyone hear crickets chirping??

OK so moving on, I am still working in retail at the moment for a whopping $11.50 an hour - at least it's full time and I have benefits, which is nice, but at that rate, I make enough to pay my mortgage and eat.... all other bills every month is an adventure.

I am also working with a case company on the side, this has gone pretty slow, but I remain positive here as well, a good deal can land me some good money, and I'm working on that, at least it's something. I've also done some dog sitting gigs, lawn care, and sold things out of my endless basement of goodies, I'm barely staying afloat.

Sadly after 6 months there is not too much else to report on the job front, except that I have refocused my efforts on landing something that pays more than 11.50 an hour, no matter what that would be, I mean I am miserable enough, but being miserable AND broke sucks.

My other priority is to get well, physically and emotionally, let's start with the physical.

Of course I am sure the fact that my life has been one roller coater of odd jobs and bad food in the past two years has not helped my weight OR cholesterol. My doctor ran some tests and we have some room for improvement, so of course this starts with diet, exercise and eating right ... well DUH! Well so I am going to do it, at least if I am going to be broke and miserable at least I can be in shape.

So, then there is the emotional part. It's been a tough year not having any extra cash, it's no wonder I've been somewhat depressed. I've been seeing a wonderful person for a couple of years now, she once gave me a card saying she loved me and supported me no matter what, that card kept me going more than she will probably ever realize, sadly we are no longer together, I miss her deeply. Broke, miserable and alone - no way to go through life.

So this is it, I'm done with this blog, I started this blog in hopes that I could learn and share with people my trials and tribulations, and frankly by now I did expect to be back in some type of decent paying position - sadly this has not happened. I've tried social networking, I've tried asking friends for leads and so on, not too much has worked, I've probably applied for at least 100 positions in the past year and a half, some were a stretch and some were positions that I were legitimately qualified for, without even getting an interview, yeah it still blows out there.

I'd like to thank everyone who has read this blog and followed along, I know all of you are wishing this economy didn't blow so bad and you could help me out, but it is what it is, I don't blame the government or the president, you learn the first day in Macro Economics class that recession, inflation, depression, stagflation are all cyclical, and when you look at it, the 70's were lean, then the 80's and most of the 90's were fabulous, then Sept 11th happened, it pushed some levers and the government bailed out airlines, and fast forward to more bailouts and the mortgage fiasco and inflated home prices .... well there you go. I don't think you can blame the government (sorry!) you just have to blame people for abusing credit, any sort of credit and the people that give those people who can't afford it even more credit, and then people not paying up and walking away .... someone pays, guess who? I don't know I'm no Ben Bernanke, but that's my take on things.

So once again, thank you to all, good luck God bless.

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