Thursday, August 5, 2010


A quick update

Nothing is new, no news is bad news.

I've got a headache, going to a movie to see if that helps, a funny movie.

I may have a job offer in Phoenix, which is no where near where I live now, a lot of things to ponder ... do I move, do I get someone to live here? Is my girlfriend OK with it? Do I pack the Jeep and go? Do I pack a trailer too ... do I work out some plane tickets in the job offer???

Lots on my mind? I welcome you to share opinions ...

1 comment:

  1. Most people out there will say that if its a great opportunity with a great company, it could be a big win. Relocating is huge, trust me, I've been there. Would the better half be able to get a job? Does she want to move? What do the parents say?

    My two cents, If the offer is on the table, see what they will give you for relocation expense and temp living arrangements.

    Remember, we as freinds will back you in whatever you choose to do. The real decision comes down to you and the lady in your life. Weigh it out. Put on paper, in two colums, the pros and cons. The results could be interesting.

    PS., Vicodin works wonders on headaches!!
