Monday, August 16, 2010



Well folks here we go. Last week I was pretty quiet because I was training for a new job. Now I am sure you are all going to yell HURRAY!! And yes I am excited, but it's a definite career change but I am going to give it a shot.

I am going to sell cars.

Now I am trying to go where several men have gone before, selling cars or as Jeremy Piven said in a recent movie "I move metal". Some have succeeded and some have failed, oddly enough most folks I have mentioned this to seem to think that I can do well at this "yeah man I can see you selling cars", well come on in and you can see it first hand.

You can make a fair amount of money, and you can make crap, it's up to you. The car dealership where I am working is a "one price" store, meaning there is no negotiation or haggling, which is a good thing, first I don't have to sell you something that makes me more money, so we are here to find you what's right for you, which is good. Secondly we are not paid on commission, which sucks for me but good for you, we get paid on cars sold, you sell cars you make money, you don't, you're out.

So we are going to give it a whirl, I am on a 90 day probationary period and I have a minimum amount of cars I will be required to sell to keep my job, according to management, the required amount can be achieved by any clown with half a clue, ahh great setting myself up for being worse than a no talent ass clown. OK I feel more confident than that but I just wanted to say ass clown in my blog.

So folks there you have it - is it what I want to be doing, no it's not, but hey I know a few people that don't like what they are doing but do it anyway, and hey this could be fun and the best thing I have ever done, the economy seems to be turning around and people usually buy new cars when they can and we are selling a lot of cars!

And so there we are, NOW what can those of you local and reading this can do for me is BUY A CAR FROM ME!! At least if you are looking for a new or pre owned vehicle (we don't say used) - well give me a call, I am working at a Chevy dealer but we have everything from Toyota, Nissan, and all the GM lines, and this store lives for trucks! The number one Chevy dealer in MN, so we got gobs of stuff. So if you're looking or know someone who is or whatever, just give me a shout you know where to find me.

So where does this leave the blog? I am still going to keep the blog going, probably putting weekly entries in here, or maybe excerpts if I have a really funny story about working at the dealership, so keep your eyes open for new blogs!!!


Thursday, August 5, 2010


A quick update

Nothing is new, no news is bad news.

I've got a headache, going to a movie to see if that helps, a funny movie.

I may have a job offer in Phoenix, which is no where near where I live now, a lot of things to ponder ... do I move, do I get someone to live here? Is my girlfriend OK with it? Do I pack the Jeep and go? Do I pack a trailer too ... do I work out some plane tickets in the job offer???

Lots on my mind? I welcome you to share opinions ...